Es difícil predecir cuándo será la primera OPI sin código. Definitivamente creo que es posible, pero no estoy seguro de cuándo.
I bet we'll see something in less than five years.
Probably the same time range (as a popular product), three to four years.
I'd say probably five to 10 years, 10 years probably.
It's already happening, that's why we created Elliot.
I think that's probably the same time (as to get high popularity), it's like five to seven years.
I think we should all make this a goal for it to happen in the next 10 years.
I'm gonna be pretty conservative on this one — like twenty years...
This is probably more of a five to 10 year range for me.
[Encaje] Oh, buenos siete años.
[Ben] Voy a tomar una toma caliente aquí. Creo que en los próximos dos o tres años, se puede ver.
[Mat] De siete a 10.