Por David Adkin | Cofundador de Adalo
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¿Quieres ver algo genial que se haga sin código? Resalta una de las respuestas del experto.

¿Cuándo va a ser tan común hacer una aplicación como una presentación de diapositivas?

I don't know that that will ever happen... You know, actually, now that I think about it, it's possible that you would more people with active zaps than they would making PowerPoint presentations in a given week. So it depends on your definition of apps.

I think that with some of the tools that are out there, you already see it happening pretty frequently. I think that will probably happen within the next three or four years, I think, where the audience of no-code apps will be greater than the audience of people listening to or watching PowerPoint presentations.

Very quickly. Why would you present someone something like if you could just have them experience it directly? Why would you build something that's fake if you could build something that's real, right? I  would say five years. I think it'll be that fast.

I've already started to see people shipping like very rough MVPs or skeletons using no-code, but I would say, maybe give it another two years.

I'm fairly bullish on this, I would say two to three years.

[Encaje] Oh, creo, Dios mío, probablemente estemos a un año de distancia, creo.

[Ben] Dos años.

[Mat] Dos años y medio, tres años.

Siguiente pregunta
¿Cuándo empezarán la mayoría de las universidades y escuelas primarias a ofrecer clases sin código?
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Sobre el entrevistador
Sobre el entrevistador
David Adkin
Cofundador de Adalo | Me encanta el diseño, los perros y el baloncesto.
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Empieza a crear una aplicación sin código con Adalo
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El futuro es el libro y miniserie No-Code - ¿Qué piensan todos los expertos sobre el futuro del no-code? | Product Hunt Embed
El futuro es el libro y miniserie No-Code - ¿Qué piensan todos los expertos sobre el futuro del no-code? | Product Hunt Embed