Por David Adkin | Cofundador de Adalo
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¡Ayuda a difundir las noticias sin código!
¿Quieres ver algo genial que se haga sin código? Resalta una de las respuestas del experto.
Full video interview will be released on May 28th!
¡La entrevista completa en video ha sido lanzada!
¿Cuándo se inició en el no-código y qué le llevó a crear su empresa?

I've been doing some version of no-code for a while. I've worked in a lot of different industries, and in each we had some version of embracing no-code or low-code tools. And when you look back at when I was first getting into technology, I would building websites with Dreamweaver or Visual Basic.

We started building Draftbit after trying to build a different business — a mobile app. We were sort of just frustrated, even with great co-founders, at hard it was to get the first version of our mobile app out the door. We realized that we really were passionate about making it easier for us, or anyone, to get our first version out and iterate on it.

¿Cuál es su definición de no-código?

It's interesting to talk about no-code, because at Draftbit we also give you the source code — so we live in this weird gray area between code and no-code.

I think the terminology is one thing, but what I really think about is this whole space is helping everyone build. There is enormous value in enabling the billion people on the planet who use software to be able to create their own, whether they're technical, semi technical, non technical, whatever level of technical they are — there's going to be a tool and a platform that will help them actually build their own software.

¿Cuándo empezamos a llamarlo "sin código" y quién empezó a hacerlo?

Creo que la razón por la que esta categoría está explotando es que en los próximos dos años, habrá mil millones de personas que crecieron usando software. Y no quieren estar en deuda con personas que pueden crear software. Cuando comenzamos en 2018, ni siquiera lo llamábamos no-code, solo queríamos ayudar a las personas a crear aplicaciones móviles más rápido. Creo que los términos "low-code" o "no-code" son menos importantes que simplemente empoderar a las personas para que construyan productos reales y darles la ventaja de crear.

¿Qué significa esto para las nuevas empresas, los pequeños negocios y las empresas?

You can start a business for cheaper, you can iterate faster, you won't have to raise money as early or its easier than ever to bootstrap businesses without investors.

The other benefit of a no-code platforms is that, for all different types of businesses, you can focus on being good at your core business — you can skip becoming an expert at all things software if that isnt important.

Further, the ability to create personalized software is super interesting and something we don't talk about enough. What if people could create their own personalized CRM, their own personalized sales workflow, their own personalized warehouse management tool, their own personalized order delivery platform? Would they rather create their own rather than use someone else's off the shelf platform that's not quite true to their business? We'll see.

Finally, for many builders inside of large companies, we hear that they don't have access to engineering resources, or IT resources, or consulting resources — so they will just have a team of three or four people. They can use no-code platforms to make progress quietly. I think we're going to have people who can make their careers in large enterprises by cutting through the bureaucracy — no-code platforms are a huge tool to allow people in big companies to have a big, big impact.

¿Qué significa esto para los desarrolladores, diseñadores y directores de proyectos?

Sé que muchas personas en estos roles podrían comenzar preguntándose: "¿Voy a perder mi trabajo debido a estas plataformas?".  No lo creo, las plataformas sin código están surgiendo porque hay una gran escasez de ingenieros de software, diseñadores y gerentes de producto, y todo el mundo quiere construir. No creo que estos roles desaparezcan, creo que las personas en estos roles siempre serán necesarias para construir algo realmente grande, pero es posible que no sean necesarias para construir algo básico. El futuro del código cero está permitiendo a los desarrolladores y diseñadores centrarse en las cosas en las que son buenos y no preocuparse por las cosas que no valen la pena.

Además, lo que realmente se obtiene con el mundo sin código es una verdadera colaboración, lo que permite a los equipos omitir gran parte del trabajo de "hacer cola en el trabajo" y simplemente hacer el trabajo ellos mismos directamente. En la mayoría de las empresas de software, el 98% de las personas de la organización solo están haciendo cola para que los ingenieros completen el trabajo. Por ejemplo, si estás haciendo un trabajo de diseño, terminas creando historias y especificaciones, y simplemente va a un rastreador para que un ingeniero lo implemente. Eso es tan ineficiente, ¿por qué no implementar los cambios de diseño usted mismo? La verdadera colaboración significa construir juntos. Creo que las herramientas no-code y low-code nos permiten a todos trabajar juntos.

¿Qué significa esto para los talleres de desarrollo, los autónomos y los consultores?

I think bad dev shops will fade away. I think good dev shops, good agencies, good consultants will be building more, better, faster with these tools.

The dev shops that just bill you based on hourly — those are actually staffing firms. And I think those things will go away because no code will just eat into their ability to overcharge you for a billable hour of an engineer’s time.

On the other hand, I think there's a ton of small agencies and companies with very creative people, or very smart consultants who know a specific industry, who will be empowered to build their own tools and platforms instead of contracting with others. And I think they become better consultants and better agencies when they directly build what they want.

¿Qué significa esto para nuestra vida personal, nuestros hijos y la disparidad económica?

I'm so excited by this — the ability to build personal apps and tools is something that's never been possible unless you were a software engineer. So that means we'll see people building things like small group apps, or a family app that just helps your family stay organized and have fun together, etc. Things like that.  I think those capabilities are really compelling and interesting, because it lets people create the tools they need to solve their problems instead of wait around for somebody else to create it for them.

Re: Kids —  I think you'll see people creating toys and games, new social networks, and new all kinds of interesting things that, frankly, are hard to predict right now.

Re: Economic Disparity — I think the ability to create software is something that is super important for everyone. And because software is going to touch everything, it shouldn't just be available for an elite group of people to be the ones building — it should be possible for everyone to have access. The tools we create for humanity needs to be accessible to everyone. I think more people will become software developers, but I don't think you should have to become a software developer to build an idea.

¿Cuándo va a ser tan común hacer una aplicación como una presentación de diapositivas?

Very quickly. Why would you present someone something like if you could just have them experience it directly? Why would you build something that's fake if you could build something that's real, right? I  would say five years. I think it'll be that fast.

¿Cuándo empezarán la mayoría de las universidades y escuelas primarias a ofrecer clases sin código?

We have schools asking us now — so maybe zero to six months from today. Certain people are going to take to learning software and logic and complicated algorithms and other people are not and there's many students out there who can build great things, but who will never be interested in becoming software developers.

¿Cuándo habrá más productos construidos sin código que codificados?

I don't know. This is a hard question because over time I'm not sure you'll ever be able to tell the difference.

¿Cuándo se unirá el no-código con el bajo código en términos de funcionalidad?

We're naturally more in the low-code space currently — and I think we'll see both types of platforms add features from each other. The more and more “consumer” you get, I think people don't want that much code, right? But the more you need to build something complicated, with logic and business rules, etc — you're probably going to want some code in the mix.

¿Cuándo veremos un producto al nivel de popularidad de un TurboTax construido sin código?

If we're all doing our jobs well, hopefully soon. It takes time for businesses like that to grow and become that popular, regardless of their technology choices. Turbotax didnt become dominant overnight. I would say within the next two to five years.

¿Cuándo saldrá a bolsa el primer producto construido sin código?

I think we should all make this a goal for it to happen in the next 10 years.

¿Cuándo habrá más agencias y talleres de desarrollo que utilicen herramientas sin código que no lo hagan?

I think it's much more likely to be 10-15 years.

¿Cuándo empezarán los líderes mundiales (es decir, los presidentes y los políticos) a hablar de la ausencia de código?

I think it'll depend on what type of leader we have. I think there will be newer elected officials that will build apps as a way to grow their footprint. And certainly their teams will be using these platforms very quickly to build and iterate faster.

¿Cuál es la mejor anécdota de algo que ha visto construirse gracias a la revolución del no-código?

No sé si tengo alguna historia en particular que se destaque, creo que estamos en los primeros días. Tenemos un usuario de Draftbit que es un niño pequeño y está descubriendo cómo construir cosas, pero no es un ingeniero de software. Ese es el tipo de personas que amamos, porque están tratando de construir y están tratando de progresar. Y nuestras plataformas son tempranas e incompletas y no siempre funcionan y siguen intentándolo, también las amamos por su pasión.

Siguiente Experto
Emily Lonetto
Jefe de crecimiento de Voiceflow
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Sobre el entrevistador
Sobre el entrevistador
David Adkin
Cofundador de Adalo | Me encanta el diseño, los perros y el baloncesto.
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El futuro es el libro y miniserie No-Code - ¿Qué piensan todos los expertos sobre el futuro del no-code? | Product Hunt Embed
El futuro es el libro y miniserie No-Code - ¿Qué piensan todos los expertos sobre el futuro del no-code? | Product Hunt Embed