Logotipo del círculo de Adalo

Adalo &


Lo que puedes construir
Queryable and scalable external databases
Run background app tasks automatically
Manipulate data or perform API calls
Empiece gratis
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14 de febrero
¡Próximo webinar de Adalo + Xano!
Únete a los equipos de educación de Xano y Adalo para aprender cómo funcionan juntas estas dos increíbles plataformas. Este seminario web contará con la participación de ambos directores ejecutivos que hablarán sobre esta asociación y el futuro del no-code.
14 de febrero a las 11:00 a.m. hora del este (ET)
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Adalo + Xano Limited Time Deal!

Adalo & Xano have teamed up again to offer you an awesome promotion! If you subscribe to Adalo’s Team or Business plan, you’ll get the monthly Xano Launch plan FOR FREE — that’s a value of $99 per month.

Simply subscribe to Adalo’s Team or Business plan & we’ll send you an email with all the details on how to take advantage of this offer. Don’t wait! We’re only offering this opportunity for a limited time.

See Terms & Conditions below.*

About Xano

Xano is a scalable and powerful no-code backend for your apps. What is a backend? It’s the overarching term for storing data and performing actions that your app users never see or interact with. Xano can store and signup users, perform actions on a schedule, make API calls, perform code functions, and so much more. It also allows databases to be scaled based on need, location, and compliance.

How Can I Use Xano with Adalo?

Adalo and Xano teamed up to provide a super easy way to integrate your Xano database with your Adalo apps. Instead of using Adalo’s built-in database, you can use Xano’s database to store your apps’ data and users, perform actions, log-in users, call APIs and so much more. With Xano you can:

  • Periodically update records in a collection
  • Sign-up and log-in users to your app
  • Save on action usage by stacking API calls into a single response
  • Send scheduled or recurring notifications
  • Perform complex math or transform text directly in the database
  • Create, update, or delete records in bulk.
  • Much more! The sky is truly the limit!

Adalo ❤️s Xano Webinar

Adalo and Xano teamed up to bring you the most powerful Adalo integration yet! Now you can house users and data in Xano instead of Adalo's built-in database. But that's not all!

In this webinar, you'll get a high level overview and demo of what Xano is, how it can benefit your Adalo apps, and how to use it to do some incredible things not previously possible with Adalo alone!

Walkthrough Video

How Do I Use Xano with Adalo?

‍You don’t need to download any components to use Xano. Simply create a Xano account and create a new app using Xano as your database. You’ll still be able to use other external collections, but the Adalo database section will be replaced by all of your Xano database tables (collections). Anytime you make a change in Xano, just re-sync the data tables and you’re done!

You can use Logged in User Data and Magic Text in your apps just like you would with an Adalo database, except you’ll be using query parameters to define what you want to return, particularly for lists. While Xano does require a bit more technical know-how, you’re also able to build more complex apps while keeping your data storage options open.

You can check out the Adalo guide for integrating with Xano here:


While Adalo’s guide get you connected to Xano and learning the basics, the Xano documentation is slap full of helpful information and videos to get you building on their side of the integration:


You can also check out the Xano course on the Adalo App Academy!


Promotional Terms & Conditions: 

  • To qualify for the promotion, this must be your first time subscribing to Adalo’s Team or Business plan. Subscription creation dates must reflect September 5, 2023 or later.
  • For as long as you have an active Adalo Team or Business plan (with a minimum account payment of $160 per month or $1,920 per year), Adalo will cover the cost of a monthly Xano Launch plan (a value of up to $99 per month) that’s automatically applied to your linked Xano account.
  • If you cancel your qualifying Adalo subscription at any time, that will end the promotion.
  • If you have a monthly Xano plan that costs more than the Xano Launch plan, your plan will be reduced by the cost of the Launch plan (a value of up to $99 per month).
  • If you have an annual Xano account, you do not qualify for this promotion.
  • This promotion cannot be combined with other Xano or Adalo discounts, promotions, or offers.
  • If you have a paid Xano subscription, no refunds will be issued for your current billing cycle. Once the promotion criteria are met, the discount may take up to one (1) week to apply to your account and reflected on subsequent invoices.
  • If you have multiple Xano instances or paid plans under one account, the promotion will only be applied to one instance/plan.
  • The promotion will only be applied if you follow all steps to activate the deal including providing the correct email addresses, filling out an inclusion form, and activating your Xano account.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Puedo cambiar una base de datos de aplicaciones existente a Xano?

Aunque no puedes cambiarlo en la interfaz de Adalo, puedes exportar tus datos existentes como CSV e importarlos a tu nueva base de datos Xano. Si necesitas ayuda para trasladar el backend de tu aplicación a Xano, ¿por qué no contratas a un experto de Adalo para que te ayude?

¿Cuánto cuesta usar Xano?

Para utilizar la integración de Xano, necesitarás tener al menos el Plan de Equipo de Adalo. Xano te permite empezar de forma gratuita, pero también ofrece planes de pago para ciertos conjuntos de funciones más potentes.

¿Cuándo debo usar Xano como backend de mi aplicación?

Si eres nuevo en Adalo o en el desarrollo de aplicaciones, definitivamente deberías comenzar con la base de datos incorporada de Adalo primero y luego pasar a usar Xano una vez que te sientas más cómodo creando bases de datos. Si eres un constructor experimentado o ya conoces Adalo, Xano proporciona una base de datos dedicada solo para tu aplicación junto con muchas más características técnicas avanzadas, como funciones de código, trabajos cron y puntos finales de API personalizados.

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