Logotipo del círculo de Adalo

Adalo &


Lo que puedes construir
Host your data on Airtable
Crear o actualizar registros de usuarios
Powerful, real-time, data updates
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14 de febrero
¡Próximo webinar de Adalo + Xano!
Únete a los equipos de educación de Xano y Adalo para aprender cómo funcionan juntas estas dos increíbles plataformas. Este seminario web contará con la participación de ambos directores ejecutivos que hablarán sobre esta asociación y el futuro del no-code.
14 de febrero a las 11:00 a.m. hora del este (ET)
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Adalo & Airtable

Our Airtable integration lets you do more with your back-end database than ever before! Connect your apps with Airtable and combine the power of a database and the slick interface of a spreadsheet. 

What is Airtable?

Airtable is a cloud-based database solution that allows users to turn their data into powerful applications. It’s an easy-to-use online platform for creating and sharing relational databases that make it easy to store, manage, and access your data.

How Airtable Works – Hint, It’s Not a Spreadsheet!

Spreadsheets are a handy tool to analyze data with a few clicks and functions. But when your data has more complex relationships, you need something more!

That’s when the magic of databases come in handy. Relational databases are great tools for storing large amounts of data and showing relationships across tables. Airtable is a super versatile, customizable, and easy to use app back-end solution.

How to Use Airtable with Adalo

External Collections

Relational Databases for People Who Don’t Know How to Code | Adalo Blog

Database Basics for Building a Mobile App | Adalo Blog

Preguntas frecuentes

I don't have a paid Airtable Account. Can I still use Airtable with my Adalo app?

Yes, you can! Airtable has a free version that gives you unlimited bases with up to five editors with 2 GB of attachments per base. Learn more about Airtable Pricing.

How do I know if Airtable is the right database for me?

There are plenty of great database tools for you to choose from! Adalo has its own back-end database too. You may be choosing between Xano, Firebase, or Airtable – here’s a quick intro to external collections to help you decide.

I need help using Airtable with Adalo, where do I find it?

We’ve done some troubleshooting for you already in this video! Additionally, here are some great resources to help you build an app without code — that includes expert tutorials, follow-along videos, and more. You could also contact an Adalo Expert to help you along the way.

Explore more resources:

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