Por David Adkin | Cofundador de Adalo
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¿Cuándo empezarán la mayoría de las universidades y escuelas primarias a ofrecer clases sin código?

At Webflow we know that there are hundreds of colleges already offering classes using it, they might not categorize them as no code. But I think, most colleges, probably, I would say, three years from now.

And in grade school I think the answer is kind of the same but more like 5 years. There’s friction with Terms of Service and signing up for software products so there’s a little to figure out before it’s mainstream.

For colleges, it's less than five years.

For grade schools, less than 10 years.

I think in three to four years, I'm already seeing it happening. So three to four, for it to be common.

I see this is taking a little bit longer to be adopted. I believe the education system in the United States is extremely slow. However, what I do see is entrepreneurs starting companies that offer these courses as an alternative type of education.

I don't have to go to four years of college to know that I want to be a programmer, I can pick up a course at 16. I can be educated. I can become proficient in a technology. I can go get a job, if I want to. So that's now.

There's a lot of need and interest there. It's just a question of when, when the teachers and when everybody involved gets around to thinking that it's the right thing to do and it'll probably have that next couple years.

We have schools asking us now — so maybe zero to six months from today. Certain people are going to take to learning software and logic and complicated algorithms and other people are not and there's many students out there who can build great things, but who will never be interested in becoming software developers.

My inner optimist wants to be the second that schools are back in there. What I'm seeing is that education is a tough one, because curriculums are really, really hard to innovate in, and that's the truth. But we've already started to see no-code solutions be kind of slipped into curriculum, like, Voiceflow happens to already be taught in a few universities. Which is super cool. And I love that. But I think in terms of mainstream, and I would hope, like maybe realistically, five years, where no-code could be in the title of the curriculum.

The current climate that we're in, makes me think it's gonna be sooner. But I mean, I would even say I'm pretty bullish on this as well. I would say within the next six to 12 months.

[Encaje] Creo que estamos hablando probablemente de cinco años, si no más.

[Ben] Ya está ocurriendo.

[Mat] Creo que el nivel superior de las universidades comenzará a enseñarlo probablemente dentro de los próximos cinco a siete años. Creo que lo que es más probable que suceda es que en los próximos seis meses a un año, ya sabes, estas actividades extracurriculares universitarias, esos grupos comiencen a no adoptar ningún código como el club de ingeniería y cosas así.

Siguiente pregunta
¿Cuándo habrá más productos construidos sin código que codificados?
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Sobre el entrevistador
David Adkin
Cofundador de Adalo | Me encanta el diseño, los perros y el baloncesto.
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El futuro es el libro y miniserie No-Code - ¿Qué piensan todos los expertos sobre el futuro del no-code? | Product Hunt Embed